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Saturday, August 2, 2008

CDN Speedgame Contest

Just a fast news to let you know that the CDN Speedgame Contest 2008 has started yesterday.
The goal is to create quick, fun games focused on different aspects of Christian teaching (either moralistic, theological or both) to promote Christ, Christian Games and Fun!.
This years theme is: PROVERBS!
Create a game based on the point of the Proverb or create a game based on the Proverb itself! Dig through your Brains and Bibles and come up with a Creative and especially FUN idea.
PROJECTS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY OR BEFORE MIDNIGHT AUGUST 17TH TO QUALIFY, so you have two weeks to release your entry. Hurry up!
To download the entries of the last yers visit the CCN Speedgame Contest 2007 site.

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