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Thursday, June 12, 2008

MD5 models

It seems that the preferred model format chosen by the visitors in the current poll is the MD5 taken from Doom3. Effectively it's going to be the most advanced model format supported by APOCALYX, in fact also GLSL shaders are applied to this kind of models. Until now, only Cal3D already supported vertex and pixel shaders, but no one seems to use it, so MD5 is welcome. I'm going to implement it, if the poll will confirm the current results.

Well known characters from Doom3


Cominu said...

Please support Cal3d! It's the only format one can create without too many problems with Blender. What about MD5 license? Can you use it freely?


Unknown said...

> Please support Cal3d! It's the
> only format one can create
> without too many problems with
> Blender.

I have been a supporter of Cal3D since the early beginning of the engine, but then I discovered that almost no one uses it (in fact I can't find anywhere free Cal3D models). I'm not a modeller, so I base the popularity of an existing format from the number of free models that I can find. Of course, I'm not removing it from the engine, but I'm not going to improve it to the latest release, if no one says he's going to create models for that format.

> What about MD5 license?
> Can you use it freely?

A format is only a format. If one writes a loader and animator of that forma,t independent from the original code of the Doom3 engine, there is no problem. Of course, I can't use the original Doom3 models or the models created by other modellers without asking for permission (in particular for commercial-purposes).

Alexander William Grace said...

your game engine is awsome, and since your going to put the md5 format in it, whitch is realy cool, why not have Doom3 levels too? you can get some source code on it at the DarkRadiant web site.


if you included Doom3 levels too, your game engine would get realy popular realy fast, yah know, plus make it the easyest to used and most graphichly up to date open source game engine out there!